Netlify is great!

Netlify is a unified platform that automates your code to create performant, easily maintainable sites and web apps. What I have come to love as a beginner developer is their Git-triggered continuous deployment build. They also provide full DNS, including custom domains and automated HTTPS. When you want to change the automatically assigned domain name to a one you already own and host elsewhere, then the steps in their documentation are a bit confusing. So here's a little step-by-step guide to configure your external DNS provider to point your domain to Netlify.

The Configuration of Your External Domain

  1. Create a CNAME record for "WWW" with your DNS provider. Point it to your automatically provided Netlify address. Cname record

  2. Add an A record. Depending on your provider, leave the host field empty or enter @. Enter Netlify's IP address: A record

  3. Add your custom domain name in Netlify DNS settings. Settings -> Domain management -> Add custom domain Add domain

  4. You're all done! Note that the changes may take a few hours to come info effect. Domain added

  5. One last thing to do, to avoid the client browser from occasionally giving a domain mismatch security warning is to renew the Let's Encrypt certificate in the Netlify settings. Domain added

The Take Away

Now your site is live, deploys automatically from Gitlab/Github and has an automatic TLS set up. I mean this is very developer friendly. Great job Netlify!